We all know that effective organizations continually review, evaluate, and refine their action plans for success through a process called “strategic thinking and planning.” The CEO and others in the organization periodically take a candid look at the company’s strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges, finances, and competitive set in a changing marketplace to plan for action to better control their future. Good companies are also opportunistic. They look for those actions that can be taken now to improve their positions.
Create a strategic plan for your own life
But what about you? How ironic that this activity happens all the time in our workplaces, yet few consider the same approach or model for their own lives. Our Life and Career Planning Model© takes this observation to its logical next step: the need to create a strategic plan for one’s life while being assertive about the opportunities that arise each day.
Do you know if you’re ready to seriously think about your life and career and to move both in a positive forward direction? Take this quiz and find out -
1. Do you have a personal mission or purpose statement that is documented?
__Yes __ No
2. Do you have key relationships in your life, people who tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear?
__Yes __ No
3. Do you believe you live a balanced life?
__Yes __ No
4. Can you describe your top five personal values?
__Yes __ No
5. Do you have any toxic relationships in your life and have a plan to deal with them?
__Yes __ No
6. Do you know your personal and professional strengths?
__Yes __ No
7. Do you know what areas in your life require personal and career development?
__Yes __ No
8. Are the culture and values of where you work or volunteer compatible with what you know about yourself?
__Yes __ No
9. Do you have a financial plan?
__Yes __ No
10. Do you have a documented description of the next position to which you aspire?
__Yes __ No
The Life and Career Planning Model© will get you thinking and on track to move you confidently forward.
If you can say yes to seven or more of these questions, you’re in good shape for thinking ahead and our Life and Career Planning Model© is the tool you now need. If you said no to most of these questions, there are many things you haven’t thought about but should. The Life and Career Planning Model© will get you thinking and on track to move you confidently forward.
Our book is rated 4.5 stars on Amazon. Click here to buy the book.
If you would like more information about the Life and Career Planning Model©, you will find it fully explained in our book Time To Get Real!. This model is the framework for developing your own life and career plan. Should you choose to create your own plan, we suggest that you consider some amount of personal coaching that can help you to discern and activate your life’s mission and move you toward the best life and career that you deserve. Our coaching fees and services are flexible and meet a broad array of client financial and coaching needs. All Life and Career Planning LLC coaches are experienced and certified in the Life and Career Planning Model© and serve as your accountability partner. To inquire about working with a coach, click here.