I have close relatives and friends who are quite nervous right now. Covid 19, the Coronavirus, is wreaking havoc with individual lives, families, communities, our economy, and our nation. At times, it stops us dead in our tracks. We don’t know what next week, next month, or next year will look like for us. These circumstances can overwhelm us, however, there are other options.
But, how can I plan, you say? I say, how can you not plan?
Times may be unreal but when the book Time To Get Real! was published, it was meant to provide people with a way to intentionally control as much of their life as they possibly could. In the book it states that most individual’s lives are made up of 75% of what just happens to them, and the other 25% of what individuals make happen. Right now you're going to be much better off if you reverse that and have 75% of your life controlled by you while the other 25% comes in over the transom. That is what is happening today – life is cascading over the transom.
But, how can I plan, you say? I say, how can you not plan? You can either be the ship without the rudder or you can get the rudder and your sails in place and be ready when the wind, once again, is at your back.
You can either be the ship without the rudder or you can get the rudder and your sails in place and be ready when the wind, once again, is at your back.
be intentional about your future
There are certain steps that you can take now to be intentional about your future. Each individual is different and his or her circumstance will be different. Here are a few steps to be considered:
Do you have all of the information about your current situation? For example, the security of your job, your financial plan, insurance for bad times, how to care for your key relationships, or understanding what options you have now or may have in the near term future?
Are there short term actions you should be taking right now?
Are you completely ready if you’re going to need a job search soon? How can you get ready fast?
What do you need to do to be sure that you and your loved ones are safe now and over this short-term?
Remember, we are all in this together. However, those who have considered their options and are ready to go when they can go will be way ahead and have a key advantage. Those who sit idly by as life happens to them will not emerge from this current environment in as great a shape as they need to be. What do you choose to do? We are here to help.
Alex Plinio
President, Life and Career Planning, LLC
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