The next chapter after Interests in Time To Get Real! focuses on joy. We ask you to look back on your life and consider what achievements and accomplishments gave the most joy? What was the sense of accomplishment or joy received from them? What are the discernable themes? And what is the importance of focusing on joy or happiness?
Accomplishing a goal can bring you joy.
According to happiness researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., of the University of California, Riverside, “the benefits of happiness include higher income and superior work outcomes, larger social rewards, more activity, energy, and flow, better physical health, and even longer life.” Dr. Lyubomirsky has found that happy individuals are more creative, helpful, charitable, and self-confident, have better self-control, and show greater self-regulatory and coping abilities.
Spending time with friends is a common source of joy.
Joy is derived in different ways for different people, however, we all know when we have it, we like it a lot and would love to keep it. Joy can come from various sources: your work, your interests, your family, your hobbies, things accomplished, challenges overcome, new experiences, and so on. To the extent possible, the more we can replicate in our life and in our career that feeling of joy, the happier we will be. We ask you to write about several incidents in your life that produced joy. This is important when considering later aspects of the model and attempting to determine how to replicate those feelings through work and life.
Click here to listen to Margaret talk about experiencing joy.
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